4.7 average rating on Google Play by
374.321 user)
Quran for Android is a free, open source Quran application for Android
devices. There are many features under development. Please send us
your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers!
Quran for Android provides the following features:
- crystal clear Madani compliant images.
- gapless audio playback
- ayah bookmarking, tagging, and sharing
- over 15 audio recitations are available with highlighting support (tap the screen for to get the audio toolbar).
- search
- night mode
- customizable audio repeat
- translations / tafsir in over 20 different languages, with more coming soon.
Note* - we need phone state permissions so we can stop the audio
playback when a phone call comes in (otherwise, it would continue
playing). also, we need internet to download data due to the limitation
on non-sdcard memory on most android phones.
Because Quran for
Android is an open source project, it makes it easy for anyone to
contribute and help improve the project. we are also open to hearing
your suggestions to make Quran for Android the best Quran application on
the market.
Package Name: com.quran.labs.androidquran
File Size: 1.7 MB
MD5 File Hash: 71bdabba57dd20bbc4bb1a9f8ddf7c5b
Last Fetched: 2015-08-27 20:05:21
Version: 2.6.5-p1 (2651)